

CSW - everyone free to believe

Photo: Giulio Paletta/CSW

sri lanka

Prayer Diary: Sri Lanka

28 Mar 2025

To pray is to bear something, or someone, in our hearts as we draw near to God. As we draw near to God this week, let’s remember Sri Lanka, and carry its people in our hearts to God. 

‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.(Galatians 6:2)

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The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) has documented over 1,000 incidents of discrimination, intimidation, and violence against Christians in Sri Lanka since 2009. In May 2023 the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recommended that the Sri Lankan government be placed on a special watch list for engaging in and tolerating severe violations of religious freedom. State actors were found to be the main perpetrators of incidents directed against Christians in recent years.

Father God, we consider how painful it must be to face violence in your own country because of what you believe. God of all comfort, we pray you would strengthen the hearts of those who are suffering. We pray for an end to the violence against Christians and people of all beliefs. Amen.

In September 2024, Anura Kumara Dissanayake of the National People's Power (NPP) was elected Sri Lanka's 9th Executive President. President Dissanayake immediately dissolved parliament, leading to a general election on 14 November. The NPP secured a supermajority, winning over 60% of the vote. The Marxist NPP has pledged to uphold religious freedom for all.

Dear God, we pray this change in government brings positive change for people in Sri Lanka. We pray you’d bring justice, and that the new government would promote freedom, upholding human rights for all. We pray for accountability for those responsible, and effective protections for those who are vulnerable. Amen.

Six years ago, on Easter Sunday 2019, a brutal series of terrorist attacks killed 269 people in Sri Lanka, injuring 500 more. Three churches were bombed during their Easter services, while several houses and three hotels were also targeted. Today, many survivors of the Easter bombings continue to face immense challenges. For example, the need for ongoing medical care has placed a heavy financial burden on some families. Their lives remain deeply disrupted, and they are frustrated by the lack of meaningful investigation into the attacks.

Almighty God, who binds up the broken- hearted and blesses those who mourn. We know this April will be a painful anniversary for many in Sri Lanka. We approach your throne of grace, asking for justice for the survivors of the Easter bombings and that you would uphold them with your loving kindness. Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done in Sri Lanka. Amen.

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