

CSW - everyone free to believe

(L-R) Shahnaz Jizan, Fiona Bruce MP, Mervyn Thomas, Rev Farhad Sabokrooh


Prayer Diary: Iran

21 Jun 2024

‘What gives me hope is that there's more awareness of these things than there has ever been… So I see hope, more than there has been. But the situation is as bad as ever, if not worse.’

– Mervyn Thomas, CSW Founder President

In February we were in the UK Parliament for an incredibly moving event. It marked the launch of a joint report by Article18, CSW, Open Doors and Middle East Concern, entitled ‘Faceless Victims’. 

We are thankful for this opportunity to shed light together on the suffering of Christians in Iran. We are particularly grateful to Rev Farhad Sabokrooh and his wife Shahnaz, whose powerful testimonies brought several attendees to tears.

Learn more at

Sunday 23 June

Give thanks for the awareness raised by this collaborative report, and for everyone who bravely shared their experiences. Pray that all who attended – politicians, journalists, and anyone with the power to make a difference – will continue to be stirred to action by what they heard.

Monday 24 June

The report revealed that more Christians were unjustly arrested in 2023 compared to the year before – yet fewer names and faces could be publicised. The vast majority chose not to publicise their situation, in the hope it may help their cases. Remember these ‘faceless victims’ in prayer today.

Tuesday 25 June

Last year, more than 100 Christians were arrested during a three-month period, before a further wave of arrests over Christmas. Pray that this concerning pattern of arrests would not be repeated in 2024.

Wednesday 26 June

As well as Christians, other religious minorities experience discrimination and harassment in Iran, including Baha’is, Sufi Dervishes, Sunni Muslims, and atheists. Pray that anyone unjustly imprisoned for their religion or belief would be immediately, unconditionally and permanently freed.

Thursday 27 June

Ask God to move in the hearts of the Iranian authorities today. Pray specifically that they would reopen closed churches, return confiscated properties, and permit Farsi- speaking Christians to worship in their mother tongue.

Friday 28 June

The government of Türkiye continues to return Iranian refugees and asylum seekers. Pray that they would end this policy, and release all Iranians who are currently detained pending forced repatriation.

Saturday 29 June

Heavenly Father, you are the God who sees. We pray especially for those who cannot widely share their experiences of injustice. Encourage them today, that you know them from their mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13); that you know every hair on their head (Luke 12:7); that you know their needs before they even ask (Matthew 6:8). Amen.

Download a printable copy of this week's Prayer Diary.



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We believe no one should suffer discrimination, harassment or persecution because of their beliefs