

CSW - everyone free to believe


Reports emerge of release of Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti

22 Mar 2023

The US-based Christian organization China Aid has reported that Uyghur house church pastor Alimujiang Yimiti was released from prison upon completion of a 15-year sentence in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

Mr Yimiti, known as ‘Alim’, was detained in January 2008 and later sentenced to 15 years in prison in August 2009 for ‘revealing state secrets or intelligence to overseas organisations.’

Prior to his sentencing, in April 2009, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention published an opinion that Mr Yimiti’s detention was arbitrary and that he had been detained on account of his faith.

On 15 March 2023, USCIRF Chair Nury Turkel welcomed news of the pastor’s release, tweeting: ‘We are relieved that #Uyghur house church pastor Alimujiang (Alim) Yimiti was released from his 15yr imprisonment in China. We remain concerned about his safety & wellbeing given the oppressive environment in the Uyghur region.’

CSW’s Founder President Mervyn Thomas said: ‘CSW welcomes reports of the release of Alimujiang Yimiti, but he should never have been detained. An innocent man was robbed of 15 years of his life on account of unfounded charges designed to punish him because of his religion. We hope that Mr Yimiti will be allowed to resume his life with his family and friends with no further harassment from the authorities.’



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